Sunday, February 19, 2012

Preventing and Getting Rid of Whitheads

Nothing is worse than getting breakouts, especially whiteheads, which can be difficult to cover up even with makeup.  For me, they always throw off my mood and lower my confidence so I decided to include some tips about how to keep your skin clear and how to get rid of the breakouts that do happen.

First thing, you should never try to remove whiteheads alone at home, EVER! You should know that whiteheads are different from pimples or blackheads. If you try to squeeze the whitehead you may easily break the skin which will result in permanent, reddish scar.

Best Prevention Methods:
  • Clean your face at least twice a day with skincare products that are appropriate for your skin type. Use a facial cleanser that contain salicylic acid or alpha hydroxyl acids as there ingredients help in unclogging the pores.
  • Exfoliate your skin regularly – twice or three times a week. Apply the exfoliating products all over your face, using light, circular motions concentration on the problem areas of the face – forehead, nose and cheeks. Try to find a gentle exfoliator with small particles – it will encourage newer, smoother and healthier skin cells to grow, helping to unclog the pores.
  • Even if your skin is oily or mixed you should never forget to apply a moisturizer or a hydrating cream.
  • Once a week steam your face for a few minutes to cleanse your skin in deep. Steaming is very important to loosen debris that may be embedded into the skin. When steaming the face you wide the clogged pores and soften the skin in order to cleanse more easily the impurities, the traces of makeup, the dust, the sebaceous secretions as well as the dead skin cells.
  • You can also use a comedone remover tool –a handy device to help keep pores free of blackheads and blemishes. It will remove all clogged dark bumps with trapped sebum, bacteria and excess oils dislodging pore blockages leaving skin clear and smooth. This tool should be used immediately after steaming the face.

You could also head to your dermatologist, which I have done a few times.  They use special methods and tools to extract the whiteheads without a risk of skin infections and scarring.
  • The first thing they will do is to steam your face – to widen the clogged pores and to soften the skin in order to cleanse more easily the impurities. After steaming it will be more easily to remove the comedones /blackheads, whiteheads/ and the little pimples.
  • Then they will use a sterilized needle to gently prick the tip of the whitehead with the needle. A gentle pressure will be needed to ease out the pus. Basically this is to most common way used by the dermatologist and the beauticians to remove the whiteheads. The method resembles the way a pimple is popped but a higher degree of attention is needed.
Other useful tips I've gathered:
  • Remember: whiteheads should be extracted by an experienced esthetician or dermatologist.
  • To prevent whiteheads from forming in the first place, you should use a mild facial cleanser that is oil-free and wash your face at least twice a day.
  • Never squeeze or pick at a pimple as doing so may spread the inflammation and leave an ugly red scar behind.
  • Use a face cream or moisturizer containing salicylic acid.
  • Always look for antibacterial skin care and cosmetic products.
  • Use skin care products with benzyl peroxide, salicylic acid or AHAs.
  • Do a cleansing face mask once or twice a week.

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