Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Ultimate Frizz-Fighting Tips

As a girl with curly hair, I've had to deal with frizz pretty much my whole life.  Having frizzy hair always made me feel self-conscious because I was always worried about keeping my pouffy hair in place.  It's a total confidence killer and I've always had more bad hair days than good ones.  Over the years, I've tried hundreds of products and various tricks to control my frizzy hair so I've complied a list of tips and products that I've found actually work so that you can tame frizz once and for all.

It all starts in the shower...

Shampooing Your Hair

It's important NOT to rub your hair together when you shampoo your hair because that only causes more frizz and tangles your hair.  Another thing that I suggest, especially for those with dry, curly hair, is to use shampoo sparingly on the ends of your hair.  You really want to shampoo your scalp and then gently spread a little bit of shampoo to the ends.  I usually only shampoo my hair every 2-3 days to prevent it from drying out even more.

DON'T Towel Dry Your Hair

Piling up your hair in a towel makes hair very flyaway and frizzy.  I know it's hard not to do this, but you will notice a huge difference in your hair.  Just gently squeeze out the excess water from your hair.

Apply Products Immediately

As soon as you've squeezed out the extra water from you hair, apply your hair products.  This really allows the products to penetrate and stick to your hair to keep it tame once it dries.  I like using Palmer's Hair Food and Moroccanoil on the top layer of my hair to make it smooth and shiny.

 Use Castor Oil

Castor Oil is very thick and heavy so I only recommend it for those that have very dry, damaged hair.  I've found Castor Oil to be a miracle product especially when used on my super dry ends.  I apply it when my hair is wet and massage it into my ends.  It keeps my hair so soft and glossy, which makes it much easier to work with and style.

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